One of the questions I receive often is How do you homeschool multiple kids? For me, homeschooling a growing family has, at times, felt like a juggling act!
Different stages and seasons have required more adjustment than others, and yes, there have been times when just as it seems we’re settling into a nice, smooth routine, it’s time to adjust – again!
Most important tip. For us, this has been the key to our homeschooling lifestyle flowing smoothly. It allows us to streamline our to-do list and maximize our time together.
Make sure those littlest ones of yours have been snuggled, held, given some time on your lap, read to, whatever fills their cup. This will get their day off to a great start.
– Sing memory songs, recite Scripture, play learning games while you’re on a walk!
– Listen to Scripture memory songs or Adventures in Odyssey in the minivan.
Especially when I have had itty bitty ones in the house, working with my older kids while their younger siblings are taking a nap can be such a fantastic use of time!