A By-the-Door Basket

As our family continues to grow, we continue to learn new tricks for how to keep things rolling along as smoothly as possible.

When we find an idea that works for us, we go with it, and this By-the-Door Basket is definitely one of those ideas!

Well, it’s a basket that sits by the door and holds any of those pesky last-minute items you might find yourself needing for the kids before you leave to go somewhere.

What is a By-the-Door Basket?

If your kiddos are still little this could mean their shoes – a matched pair of play shoes, their special church shoes, etc.

If you have little girls, this could definitely include a hairbrush, hair bows, hair clips – all things HAIR! Honestly, hair issues are what started this whole By-the-Door Basket idea for our family.

For my oldest daughter who wears orthotics in her shoes, this has been a great spot for those. We always know where they are, and they’re always ready to go when it’s time to head out the door.

Which door do you enter/exit through most often? Got a spot in mind? What kinds of items would be helpful to add to your family’s By-the-Door Basket?

Would a basket like this work for your family?

You may find where you live that it would be helpful to keep a By-the-Door Basket filled with winter hats and gloves for all.