5 Encouraging Books Every Young Mom Should Read

Since becoming a mom, the Bible has been my number one guidebook and source of encouragement.

God’s Word holds a power to which nothing else can compare, but there are a handful of other encouraging books that have impacted me as a mom in more ways than I can count.

And I can not imagine keeping them a secret.

The Ministry of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson has served as such a foundational book for me in my role as a full-time wife and mom.

Desperate by Sarah Mae & Sally Clarkson was a game-changer for me and would absolutely benefit any mom – no matter her stage or the age of her children.

If you are a mom to little bitty kiddos – or know someone who is – I can not say enough sweet things about Loving the Little Years by Rachel Jankovic. It’s everything a young mom needs to hear.

Shepherding a Child’s Heart by Ted Tripp is an oldie, but definitely a goodie! Have you read it?

Teaching from Rest by Sarah MacKenzie is a book that had been recommended to me time and time again. Every other homeschooling mom I knew had said, “You have GOT to read this book!