5 Encouraging Books Every Young Mom Should Read

Since becoming a mom, the Bible has been my number one guidebook and source of encouragement.

God’s Word holds a power to which nothing else can compare, but there are a handful of other encouraging books that impacted me as a young mom in more ways than I can count.


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Encouraging Books for Young Moms

#1 – Sally Clarkson is one of the most inspiring people I’ve ever known. Well, I don’t know her in real life, but she took the time to answer an e-mail I sent her one time, so it’s kind of like I know her, right? 😉 

The Ministry of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson has served as such a foundational book for me in my role as a full-time wife and mom. It has inspired me time and time again as it is one of those books that I have held on to and refer to often.

The Ministry of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson - Featured by This Little Home of Mine

I love Sally’s wisdom. I appreciate her heart for motherhood. I am so grateful for her passion for being fully committed to our homes and our families.

If you have never read one of her books, I would strongly encourage you to spend some time with this seasoned mom.

I promise you will walk away with a powerful perspective on motherhood that will have a huge impact in how you walk forward in your calling.

#2 – Get ready to see Sally Clarkson’s name again! Desperate by Sarah Mae & Sally Clarkson was a game-changer for me and would absolutely benefit any mom – no matter her stage or the age of her children.

Desperate by Sarah Mae and Sally Clarkson - Featured on This Little Home of Mine

When I was a brand new mom with a hubby who worked long hours and no family help in town, I reached a point where I just about collapsed under the weight of trying to hold it all together and do everything on my own.

Truly an impossible task for anyone! Why? Because we were designed to need not only God’s help, but the physical “skin-on” assistance of actual people!

This is going to mean different things for different moms/families, and this book will encourage you to find what that looks like for you.

A little hope can go a long way! It sure did for me!

Our family is STILL to this day reaping benefits from my reading this book around the time my oldest turned one.

Loving the Little Years by Rachel Jankovic - Featured by This Little Home of Mine

#3 – If you are a mom to little bitty kiddos – or know someone who is – I can not say enough sweet things about Loving the Little Years by Rachel Jankovic. It’s funny…It’s real…It’s everything a young mom needs to hear.

I don’t read very many books more than once, but this one was an exception. It is full of powerful reminders that encouraged me to savor the smallest of moments – without losing my mind in the process.

#4 – Shepherding a Child’s Heart by Ted Tripp is an oldie, but definitely a goodie! Have you read it?

Shepherding a Child's Heart by Ted Tripp - Featured by This Little Home of Mine

As a classroom teacher, this book had a powerful impact on my interactions with my students, and as a mom, it has greatly encouraged me as I seek to reach the hearts of my own children.

#5 – Teaching from Rest by Sarah MacKenzie is a book that had been recommended to me time and time again. Every other homeschooling mom I knew had said, “You have GOT to read this book! It will be the best homeschooling purchase you ever make.”

Several months went by before I got my hands on a copy, and my only regret was that I didn’t read it sooner.

What a beautiful approach Sarah MacKenzie takes to learning at home with her children.

Teaching from Rest by Sarah MacKenzie - Featured on This Little Home of Mine

Sarah maintains an attitude of excellence while also fostering an atmosphere of peace and calm. Her reminders are encouraging and her practical tips are fantastic.

If you are a mom who is thinking about homeschooling OR if you’re already years in to the journey, I promise you will be encouraged by this read!

If you’re anything like me, encouraging books can breathe new life in to your days, and if you asked me what five books impacted me most as a young mom, it would be these 5!

Encouraging Books for Moms

There are definitely more, and I’ve saved them all here – along with more recent favorites!

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  1. Heidi Underhill says:

    I am a mom of 6 kids – ages 15 to 3. This last year I read Jesus the Gentle Parent. It is amazing! I wish I would have found this book 16 years ago! I highly recommend it!

    1. thislittlehomeofmineblog@gmail.com says:

      Wow! That sounds so encouraging! I will have to look it up!

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