Our Homeschool Morning Time

Our Homeschool Morning Time has become one of my favorite things about our homeschool days!

As we have walked through different stages and seasons of life, our Morning Time has evolved along the way, and I love how homeschooling gifts you the opportunity to enjoy that kind of flexibility.

I’ll walk you through each of the activities on this list, and then I’ll tell you a little bit about what our Morning Time looks like these days!

Bible Story/Bible Memory: While my little ones were eating, I would read from one of our favorite faith-based read-aloud, and then we would practice our AWANA verses.

Memory Work: We would:

• Say The Pledge of Allegiance.

• Sing the Months of the Year.

Alphabet Song/Vowel Song: Using Abeka’s Phonics Charts 1 & 2:

• Sing the Alphabet Song – saying each special word for each letter – practicing each letter’s sound.

Word of the Day/Dictation: At some point during my oldest’s kindergarten year, we started doing a Word of the Day. I would simply write a word on a flash card, and we would talk about it!

Read-Aloud: Homeschool Morning Time can be a great time to enjoy read-aloud together, but other times of day have worked well for us, too:

• while eating snack

• during lunch