How to Get Started with Homeschooling

At a time when families everywhere are considering what other educational options might be available for their children, many are wondering how to get started with homeschooling. In this post, I’m going to provide some very basic information for how your family can make the transition happen.

Stepping out to begin your homeschooling journey doesn’t have to be scary. It can actually be really exciting! Not sure where to start? I’m here to help! This post includes a few simple steps for how your family can get started with homeschooling. Yes, you can make the transition right away – even if you’re terrified at the thought!


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How I Prep for a New Homeschooling Year

Four Questions for you as you Get Started

1. Where do you live?

The first thing you need to do is visit the Department of Education website for your state. If you live in North Carolina like we do, you can view the state-specific guidelines and file your Intent to Homeschool here. If you live in another state, search where you can find this information for your state. Each state is different, so make sure you look into the necessary requirements specific to where you live.

Wise Acres - Indian Trail, NC

2. What does your family’s schedule look like?

Next up, you’re going to want to think through your family’s typical routine. Who in the home is employed elsewhere? Are they working from a home office? Outside the home? What do the hours look like? Would you homeschool only certain days of the week? In the evenings sometimes? On weekend afternoons? During certain times of the year and not others? Year-round? Would you and your spouse be willing to tag-team the teaching?

Guess what? You get to make the rules. The schedule is now yours to design. You are now able to release the school calendar that once dictated your schedule and create a plan that works for your family’s specific situation. Remember, you are not signing up to do school at home. You’re getting started with homeschooling – which means you can allow your mindset to shift as it embraces this new overall lifestyle.

It is often assumed that single parents, parents who work outside the home, etc. aren’t able to successfully homeschool their kids – but friends, I hear from families of all different kinds, and they are – each one – making great things happen. It’s amazing when you think through your family’s unique situation how you can discover creative options that will work. I promise you this is possible for your family!

3. How does your child learn?

Okay, this one is super important! As you’re getting started with homeschooling, you are going to hear all kinds of advice about how to do things, but the most important thing you can do is think about your own kids and how each of them learn best.

Do they seem to understand information best when they can hear it? Touch it? Write it? Draw it? Sing it? What works well for them? If you’re not sure, spend some time studying each of your children so you can figure this out – it’s the most important part of helping them learn. Once you think you’ve got a pretty good idea of what works for them, THEN you can choose resources for their school lessons.

4. Not sure about curriculum? Here’s what I’d suggest!

Alright, friend, I told you it was time to start considering which resources you want to use. Here’s my advice. Take it nice and slow here at this point. If you are transitioning your kids out of a school setting, I would suggest finding something for Math (Texting Textbooks might be a great fit for you – especially as you try to figure out how this new lifestyle is going to look.) and Language (We use Abeka, but don’t feel like you need to order all of it right now. Maybe just grab the Phonics/Language book and the Spelling book.)

As you get started with Math and Language, you’re going to begin to find your footing. You’re going to start seeing more of a glimpse into how your kids learn. The benefits of your choices will begin to show – these will be unique to each family.

As you find yourself settling into a good routine, you’re going to figure out what’s working well for your family and what needs adjusted before you go any further.

Reasons to Homeschool - Lifestyle Homeschooling

You’ve got this.

You can do this.

I realize it might be a little scary – okay, maybe a whole lot scary…

It might feel terrifyingly new and you have no idea how on earth this is going to work…

Maybe you NEVER in a million years EVER saw your family doing anything like this…

Some of you may even feel honest enough to say out loud that you’re kind of annoyed you’re even having to consider a different option right now – but you KNOW that where your kids are now is no longer an option – you just can’t do it anymore.

You are not alone. There are millions of families out there right now trying to figure this whole thing out…

Homeschooling Third-Grade by This Little Home of Mine

…and while I’m not going to lie to you and tell you that homeschooling is easy, I will be the first to tell you that it is a lifestyle I wouldn’t trade for anything, and while you’re here in this space, I hope you will feel encouraged to take whatever steps you are feeling called to take right now.

I want you to know that the This Little Home of Mine community is one that will cheer you on wherever you are in your parenting journey. We are so glad you’re here!

Homeschooling Second-Grade by This Little Home of Mine
Would you like to see more specific glimpses into what we do for each grade level on our home?

The following posts might be helpful to you – but if you’re just stepping out into this new journey, please don’t allow these posts to overwhelm you. Again, we started out slow and have built up to more over the years.

Are you curious about homeschooling your preschooler? These posts are for you:

Other Homeschooling Posts You May Find Helpful Right Now:

It’s time to take the first steps toward creating the family culture you’ve been longing for – a lifestyle of living and learning together.
Author, Lifestyle Homeschooling

Homeschooling Resources Just for You

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