Painting and Writing with Water

From the time my boys were toddlers, painting with water has been a favorite activity!

It’s as simple as handing your kiddos a small container of water and a paintbrush and turning them loose on the sidewalk…or on the patio…or on one side of a wooden fence…the options are endless.

I speak from experience when I say this activity can keep a kiddo busy for all kinds of time – drawing, writing, whatever comes to mind for them!

We painted rocks that we had recently found on a nature hunt, and we drew and painted all kinds of different pictures. Isaac drew David & Goliath and Caleb drew the house from Up.

I love that activities like this gift us with the opportunity to practice different things we’re learning while also being something I can allow my kids to explore independently.

Kids can practice writing:

– The letters of the alphabet – Numbers – Their name – Your family’s address and phone number(s) – Sight words

Kids can draw:

– Lines and squiggles – Geometric shapes – Their hand prints/footprints – Things they see around them outside – Their favorite character(s)


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