How to Potty Train by Age 16

When my oldest was a little tot, I picked our pediatrician’s brain about the topic.

My baby was maybe one at the time, and all of the online parenting blogs that were encouraging potty-training for one-year-olds had me feeling a little curious.

As our little tyke started watching more and more Daniel Tiger, we made sure the potty episode was on repeat.

So here’s what we did…

Over the course of several months, we just made the potty a part of our conversation – adding to our collection of little potty-themed books.

Potty Train Your Child in Two Years

Right now, my oldest daughter is right smack dab in the stage of sitting on the potty with the Daniel Book and cheering every time she gets the chance to flush.

The best potty-training advice I’ve ever heard came in the form of a question,

How many sixteen-year-olds do you know who still aren’t potty-trained?

In other words, chill out. They’ll figure it out – and there’s no sense in you losing your mind in the process.

If they would like assistance introducing their little ones to the idea of the toilet, Daniel Tiger will be there to support them through it all.