Alphabet Games: Swat the Letter & Ring Around the Letter

If you have an active kiddo on your hands, they are going to love these two Alphabet Games: Ring Around the Letter and Swat the Letter! These are alphabet games you can play with your little ones – using things you probably already have on hand, and I can’t wait to tell you how easy the set up is!


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Alphabet Games: Swat the Letter - Diving Rings Around the Letter by This Little Home of Mine

Alphabet Games: Game #1 – Ring Around the Letter

For the first game – Ring Around the Letter – simply lay out anything you have that shows the individual letters of the alphabet:

Next, call out a letter and have your child either toss or lay (depending on how adventurous you’re feeling!) a ring around that letter! My rings are diving rings from our pool bag, but you may have something else on hand that would work just as well!

Alphabet Games: Diving Rings Around the Letter by This Little Home of Mine

You can see in my picture that I used little letter puzzles I found in the Target Dollar Spot!

Similar Puzzles Available Here

You can do this game with all 26 letters in play at once – or with just a few letters at a time! You may even want to simply play Ring Around the Vowel where you focus on only the five vowels in the alphabet! No consonants allowed! ha!

Alphabet Games: Diving Rings Around the Letter by This Little Home of Mine

Ring-around-the-Number is also a fun option for this game…

Number Games: Diving Rings Around the Number by This Little Home of Mine

…or shapes!

Math Games: Diving Rings Around the Shapes by This Little Home of Mine

Alphabet Games: Game #2 – Swat the Letter

Next up, Swat the Letter! Same idea as the game I just explained!

Alphabet Games: Swat the Letter by This Little Home of Mine

Simply lay out anything you have that shows the letters of the alphabet! Once again letter flashcards, letter magnets, letter cookie cutters, letter stickers, anything goes! Once again, I used my letter puzzles, but we have also played this game using foam letters designed for bath time play, and they work GREAT as well!

As with the first Alphabet Game, call out a letter and your child shows off when they’ve found it! Only this time, [instead of using the rings] they swat the letter with a fly swatter! Yes, you heard me correctly! ha!

Alphabet Games: Swat the Letter by This Little Home of Mine

Usually at the end of the summer season, you can find fly swatters on red ticket clearance somewhere – I think I picked ours up for $.29 each, but I’m guessing you can find some at your local dollar store any old day of the week.

  • Diving Rings Available Here
  • Fly Swatters Available Here

Math Games: Swat the Shapes by This Little Home of Mine

Want to extend this activity for older kids? Try doing this with larger numbers, sight words, vocabulary terms anything goes!

Learning Games: Diving Rings Around the Sight Words by This Little Home of Mine

These sight word flashcards are from Kindergarten Toolkit

Learning Games: Diving Rings Around the Sight Words by This Little Home of Mine

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