Home Alone Family Night

Okay, friends, it’s time for a Home Alone Family Night!

Here’s how to make it happen –

First, you’re going to place a delivery order for your favorite pizza!

Papa John's Pizza Boxes Stacked on Kitchen Counter

I usually have some kind of coupon code or free delivery discount going when I’m trying to make this happen for our family.

Frozen pizza – or carryout pizza is fine…it will still make for a fun vibe.

But the pizza delivery feels more like the movie, ya know? That’s what I’m going for here!

Okay, so get your pizza delivery set up, and then while you’re waiting on that, it’s time to prep some other things.

You need some candles for the table where you’re going to eat dinner.

Remember the scene? Kevin had some candles lit…

Christmas Bowls, Candles, Books, and a Box of Mac and Cheese

He also had some mac and cheese…

Box of Annie's Mac and Cheese and Christmas Bowls

I know, I know – you’re probably thinking it needs to be Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, but this Annie’s kind is usually what I have on hand.

Box of Annie's Mac and Cheese and Christmas Bowls

Plus, maybe this kind will make you feel better about the ingredients in the pizza you’re having delivered.

Try to time your mac and cheese to be ready around the time the pizza is delivered.

Now it’s time to sit down and enjoy your candlelit dinner of pizza and pasta!

Pizza and Macaroni and Cheese Served on a Plate

Bonus Idea: The first time we did this, my kids decided they wanted to wear winter hats (some people call them toboggans, some people don’t). Kevin wore one…Harry wore one…just an extra fun idea if your family is up for it!

Pizza Boxes and Winter Hats Sitting Together on Kitchen Counter

Dinner Music:

Next up, it’s movie-watching time!

Don’t forget to grab some treats to eat while you watch the movie.

Cookies and Donuts on a Large Plate
  • cookies – Sweet Lorens to balance any other ideas you have! ha!
  • donuts
  • ice cream sundaes – Just like Kevin likes!

How to watch Home Alone without cusswords?

  • Purchase Home Alone through Amazon Prime Video.
  • Then filter it through Enjoy! This is not a sponsored post – just something we use in our home. You can use Enjoy to filter content from most major streaming services.

Home Alone Bedtime Stories

You know I struggle to share a post that doesn’t include book recommendations!

These Home Alone picture books are from the Pop Classics Collection.

This is not an endorsement of this entire collection but simply a mention of these two titles:

These would be fun to read the day of your family night – or at bedtime once your movie and treats have wrapped.

We hope you love this family night idea!

If you enjoy holiday-themed ideas like this for your family, you might also enjoy your Play-doh Manger Challenge.


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