As our family continues to grow, we continue to learn new tricks for how to keep things rolling along as smoothly as possible. When we find an idea that works for us, we go with it, and this By-the-Door Basket is definitely one of those ideas!

When I was a new mama, I found that having my diaper bag by the door ready-to-go was a must for me. This was in addition to also keeping a fully-stocked baby basket in our minivan – diapers, wipes, an extra outfit, you get the idea,

Well, it’s a basket…that sits by the door…and holds any of those pesky last-minute items you might find yourself needing for the kids before you leave to go somewhere.

What is a By-the-Door Basket?

If your kiddos are still little…this could mean their shoes – a matched pair of play shoes, their special church shoes, etc. If you have little girls, this could definitely include a hairbrush, hair bows, hair clips – all things HAIR!

What ideas are coming to mind for a basket like this for your family? This will definitely depend on the ages, stages, and needs of your kids.

However, this basket is actually most helpful on Sunday mornings! It makes getting out the door for church much easier than if we were chasing these kinds of items around the house while trying to make it to the House of the Lord on time.