A little organization has gone a long way toward helping this mama walk through those early days with a new infant. While we are not able to control how much sleep we’ll be able to get.
There’s no need to go out and buy anything new! Simply use baskets or containers that you already have, and use the supplies you received at your baby shower.
These Newborn Baby Stations are perfect to put in your family room…next to your nursing chair…in your kiddos’ play area (depending on how you have things set up)…you get the idea!
When my oldest was born, our baskets included diapers, wipes, diaper cream, thermometer, a couple of outfit changes, extra socks, burp cloths, pacifiers, etc.
As he got older, I adjusted what was in the basket based on what was actually needed at the time. I have used this same system with our other little ones, and it has been great!
It has kept me from having to run up and down the stairs for an extra onesie, a new pack of wipes, or anything else I might need throughout the day.