Peanut Butter and Banana Pancakes on a Stick

One of our favorite things to do on Saturday mornings is head downstairs and whip up a big batch of pancakes. But this time, we decided to make our pancakes a tad smaller than usual.

To make things easy, we used Pampered Chef’s Easy Accent Decorator to squirt just the right amount of batter onto our griddle.

At first, we realized we were making our pancakes a smidge too big, but we quickly downsized, creating pancakes that were about the size of fifty-cent pieces. Perfect!

I decided to let my little ones build theirs. Imagine the scene once the tiny hands started to build.

Though we had lots of creative mess—which doesn’t bother me too much on Saturday morning—we ended up with these fun little pancake kabobs!

Pancake Peanut Butter Banana Pancake Peanut Butter Banana Pancake

Check out how we layered them:

To make things easy for little hands, I decided to skip the syrup for the kabobs.

But when we followed up with these cute little miniature pancake sandwiches, my kiddos had no problem dipping them in warm maple syrup—Yum!

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