C.S. Lewis Books and Toys for Kids

After watching the Chronicles of Narnia movies, my kids became so interested in all things C.S. Lewis! Of course I was thrilled, and it has been so fun to come across a variety of different C.S. Lewis Books and Toys for Kids that my own kids continue to enjoy here in our home – and in our homeschooling life together.

C.S. Lewis Books and Toys for Kids

We have found fun Narnia-themed books and toys for a variety of different ages, so no matter the age of your little C.S. Lewis fan, I think you’re going to find a new favorite that they’ll love!


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Let’s get started with our C.S. Lewis Favorites for Kids:

C.S. Lewis Book and Audiobook Sets:

The Chronicles of Narnia Book Set (Trivia Book Included): There are a few different book set [style] options to choose from, but this is the one we have!

The Chronicles of Narnia Radio Theater – This is amazing for all ages, adults included!

This radio theater set has been perfect for bedtime listening but also fantastic for long road trips in the minivan. The entire family has enjoyed this set.

Picture Books:

Through the Wardrobe: How C.S. Lewis Created Narnia

Fining Narnia: The Story of C.S. Lewis and His Brother

The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe: Picture Book Edition

Biography Books

The Trailblazers Series includes a biography about C.S. Lewis. It’s called The Story Teller, and it takes you on a journey through Lewis’ life – from childhood to adulthood.

Front Cover of C.S. Lewis The Story Teller

If you’re familiar with the Christian Heroes series, you may have already seen these gems!

They offer a hardback series of books called Heroes for Young Readers. These books read like poetry – wonderful rhyming that tells the story of each hero’s life.

Front Cover of Hardback C.S. Lewis Biography for Kids

Then they have put together softback biographies for more advanced readers. These use a longer chapter-book style format to introduce the reader to each person included in the series.

Front Cover of Soft Cover C.S. Lewis Biography for Kids

Also Pictured Here: Believing in Narnia – A Kid’s Guide to Unlocking the Secret Symbols of Faith in C.S. Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia

If you’re struggling to access any these titles, I have had a lot of success finding these kinds of books second-hand.

Thrift stores, consignment shops, and Thrift Books have been my go-spots for shopping used books.

Pre-tend Play:

Schleich Lion and this perfect little costume that my boys have loved.

Oh yes, a few of these favorites have even been found under our tree on Christmas morning!

This sweet gift also makes for a special Christmas morning surprise!

Christmas Gift Idea - Chronicles of Narnia Watercolor

It’s from Elizabeth Wade Studio Nashville, TN. Her work is beautiful!

Her 18×24 Narnia Watercolor Print fit perfectly in this Weathered Blue Craig James Picture Frame I found here on Amazon.

Narnia Homeschooling Resource:

These items have fit perfectly into our homeschooling lifestyle: books to read, a little battery-free animal that’s perfect for make-believe play, a costume for dressing up, and I have one more C.S. Lewis favorite to share with you.

Yes, a Narnia-themed cursive handwriting practice book to use in the mornings after breakfast.

For more about our Lifestyle of Homeschooling, visit us here!

We would love to share more with you about how we have embraced a year-round lifestyle of living and learning together.

Homeschool Preschool Letter Stamping in Playdoh by This Little Home of Mine

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  1. Thank you for this post! I am planning out our next school year and was hoping to do a unit on the Narnia series and I will for sure be adding some of these items to it.

  2. Thanks for sharing my Narnia Cursive book! I wrote it because my Narnia loving son was struggling with cursive and this was the only thing that kept him engaged! I wanted to share that after many requests from the younger siblings of those using the cursive workbook, I now have a PRINT Narnia themed book, with quotes from “The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe”! https://www.learningcursive.org/narniaprintworkbook

    1. thislittlehomeofmineblog@gmail.com says:

      We love your books, Robyn! Thank you for visiting with us today!

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