Two-Year Old Homeschool Preschool
In past generations, small children learned (and learned a lot) through their play, daily interactions at home, etc. Schooling toddlers and preschoolers is a fairly new phenomenon, and I would go as far as to say that formal schooling for your toddlers and preschoolers is actually not a necessity. With that being said, please understand that when it comes to Two-Year Old Homeschool Preschool, you can not mess it up – I promise!
Homeschool Preschool is simply a way to describe you taking advantage of opportunities to guide your little learner as they discover the world around them. When I chat about homeschooling preschoolers, I’m talking about reading with them, playing with them, and involving them in those day-to-day life moments that have the power to teach.
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When my oldest turned two, I decided to begin venturing into the world of Homeschool Preschool. I felt that we would both benefit from the structure and routine it would provide during our days together, and as a former classroom teacher, I must admit I was especially excited to plan learning activities for him.
I simply couldn’t help myself!
While I am a firm believer that children learn best through play as well as through interactions with others, I thought it would be fun to have just a few minutes each day dedicated to these learning activities – definitely something that can be practiced while simply playing and reading books aloud with your little one, but I decided to take it a step further – just for fun.
Are you wanting to do the same? If so, simply choose the areas where you would like to focus with your little one, and then gather resources that will assist you in meeting those goals. Please don’t drive yourself crazy overthinking the details. I assure you that there is no wrong way to do this. The only danger is trying to take on too much at once – overwhelming yourself and your child. My first piece of advice for two-year old homeschool preschool?
Keep it simple – Keep it fun.
I assure you it will make all the difference!
This post will provide you with tips and ideas that will make it possible for you to explore Two-Year Old Homeschool Preschool at home with your child, and my hope is that you and your little one will have a lot of fun learning together!
Two-Year Old Homeschool Preschool
What Do I Want My Two-Year Old to Learn?
I like to focus on one letter of the alphabet each week – starting with A and working our way through Z over a period of 26 weeks. Out of order works great, too if you prefer to do it that way! This letter-a-week approach serves as the framework for my lesson planning (I use that term loosely.), and books like this have been great resources. During this time, we also focus on learning to recognize and count numbers 1-10.
A Few Other Concepts We Explore During the Two-Year-Old Year:
- Recognition of Colors & Basic Shapes
- Animal Names/Animal Sounds
- Nursery Rhymes
- Fine Motor Skills
Your goals for your little one may differ, but this list will help you begin brainstorming!
How Do I Stay Organized?
I simply use my personal day planner to jot down two things:
- #1 – Each Monday is marked with a note of the letter of the alphabet we will be focusing on that week.
- #2 – Next to each week, I make a short list of the hands-on activities I want to do.
Check out my favorite planner: Simple & Inexpensive!
I typically plan out a month at a time – leaving room for any holidays, out-of-town trips, etc. that would take us away from our usual routine. There is no need to be strict and rigid with your schedule. One of the most beautiful things about homeschooling is the flexibility it provides. Don’t be afraid to embrace that.
Now, for my #1 homeschool organization tip: On Sunday night, I lay out any items/supplies I want to use in the coming week. Once a busy week begins, everything I need is right there at my fingertips…which ensures the activities will actually happen as I hope.
Shop our Favorite Preschool Resources Here
What Do My Lesson Plans Look Like?
For example:
Week #1: Letter A
- Play with alphabet stickers.
- Using an A-shaped cookie cutter, “cut” A‘s out of play dough.
- Cut large, colorful letter A‘s out of a magazine, and allow your little one to glue them to a piece of construction paper.
- Cut up an apple. Count the pieces. Eat the apple.
With these activities in mind, my actual calendar notes might look something like this:
- Alphabet Stickers
- A Cookie Cutter
- Glue A‘s
- Apple
Week #2: Letter B
- Play with alphabet magnets.
- Color or paint a printout of the letter B.
- Using a letter B alphabet stamp [and washable ink pad], cover a piece of construction paper with letter B‘s.
- Cut up an banana. Count the pieces. Eat the banana.
With these activities in mind, my actual calendar notes might look something like this:
- Alphabet Magnets
- Paint Letter B
- B Stamp
- Banana
Interested in having access to ALL of my lesson plans A through Z? I’ve released them HERE!
Yes, I’ve done all the work for you – providing you with a multi-sensory approach to teaching more than JUST the alphabet: Library Lists, Snack Ideas, STEM Activities, Sensory Explorations, Art Experiences, Outdoor Play, and more!
As you can see, I keep it very simple! I only list ideas that I know can realistically be carried out in our day-to-day, and I keep my list of ideas short and sweet – unless I need to make additional notes to trigger my memory regarding the details of a specific activity.
Now I Eat My ABCs Available Here
Where Do I Find My Ideas?
I like to brainstorm ahead of time about what kinds of activities my child will enjoy doing. Does your child love board books? Puzzles? Do you own any educational toys/games that they especially enjoy? Is your little one artistic? Musical? Consider these kinds of questions and then tailor your activities to their interests. This guarantees they will enjoy learning with you which is most definitely the number one goal!
If you find an activity isn’t working well (and there can be a variety of different reasons why this might be the case), don’t stress. Simply stop what you’re doing and redirect. No worries! Discover what your little one loves and let that be your guide! Don’t over think it. Don’t compare to others. Allow their play to guide you, and you will be amazed what your preschooler will learn!
If you’re having trouble coming up with ideas for your little one, I have one word for you: Pinterest! Hey, even if your creative juices ARE flowing, I would still suggest checking out Pinterest. Search “Letter of the Week Activities”, and you will be all set with fun ideas to last you from A to Z...and then some! Free letter/number printables, simple alphabet-related craft ideas (I’m all about simple!), tasty snack suggestions for each letter of the alphabet, and more – It’s all there for you! In fact, you will discover more ideas than you could ever possibly do, so just pick a few that sound especially fun [and do-able], and you will be all set. In the early days, that is what I did – putting all of my favorite activities together in this resource that I make available here at This Little Home of Mine:
Where Do I Find My Resources:
Most of my educational supplies/toys have come from yard sales, thrift stores, and consignment sales! You do not have to spend a lot of money to provide great resources for your children. Scour the playroom, the kitchen, the art cabinet…everywhere! You probably already have great resources all around you!
Alphatales Big Book Available Here
Alphatales Book Bundle Available Here
A Few Final Thoughts:
Whether we realize it or not, lots of learning is happening during typical childhood activities: rigorous outside play, building with blocks, assisting with household chores, coloring/painting at an easel, cutting/pasting with paper and glue, designing with play dough.
Especially at this age, it is important to remember that so much learning is going on during times of independent play, interaction with others, etc.
My kids love when I read aloud with them! They are big fans of play dates at the park and trips to the library for story time/music time. They enjoy going to the art center and doing little projects in the garage with their dad. They love taking “nature walks” and playing outside with water, bubbles, sand, and chalk. These daily experiences are where so much learning is taking place.
Want access to a printable that you can use to brainstorm fun activities for your little ones?
Interested in more information about homeschooling your preschooler? I offer the following posts:
- Two-Year-Old Homeschool Preschool
- Three-Year-Old Homeschool Pre-school
- Four-Year-Old Homeschool Pre-school
as well as a free Homeschool Preschool e-course designed to encourage you as you get started!
Want to read more about our family’s Lifestyle of Homeschooling? Our daily schedule? A look at our week? I would be honored to share with you how we have adopted a lifestyle of living and learning together and how you can do the same with your own family:
Gracias. I will love to do the same with my littles. You are gonna be helpfull to me.
I’m so glad you stopped by for a visit! Keep me posted on how things go!
Wonderful to read your first point about not freaking out because boy is that easy to do with a 2 year old!! I feel like I’m already behind with mine! Thanks for these ideas..I’m pinning this post now!
Yes, yes, yes, definitely keep it fun and relaxed for these little guys! They learn so much through playing with mama! I have no doubt you are doing a fantastic job loving on your sweet boy and teaching him all kinds of things!
This is such a great resource and I’m so glad you have organized it by age! Where can I find those letter cards (“A” is for apple) nwith the bumble bee in your photo? Thank you!
Hey Rosemary! I finally found the link! (*affiliate*) I spotted them at Hallmark a few years ago, too! I hope you are able to get your hands on a set. They are really cute!! So glad we’ve connected~
So excited to have found you! I have a 20 month old that I want to start working with, and I cannot wait to try your suggestions. Thanks for sharing! Do you find a specific time of day is best to work with your little ones? Or do you spread out the activities throughout the day?
Do you have a link for the English/Spanish flash cards?
Hey Traci! I found them!! (*affiliate*) – I’m so glad you asked about this! I will definitely add the link to the post!
With 2-year olds do you do just the letter recognition or do you also do the letter-sound link?
Hey Caitlin! I usually just practice singing the alphabet and recognizing letters when they see them, but some kiddos may be able to do more! I say see what your little one is interested in doing and roll with that. I’m so glad we’ve crossed paths – Let’s stay in touch!
Hi! I am interested in the puzzle with two pieces per letter. Do you happen to recall where you got it from?
Hey CJ! I found those a few months ago in our Target Dollar Spot!