Fishing-Themed Baby Shower
This past weekend, we celebrated the soon-arrival of my nephew, Jackson Cole! To say I’m excited about my brother and his wife having a baby would be the understatement of the year.
The theme of the celebration? All-things fishing!

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I loved getting together to celebrate my new nephew, and it was so fun to see the decorations, the cake, and the precious fish-themed baby shower favors!
Fishing-Themed Baby Shower
We had all kinds of yummy lunch foods, and then the main event: the cake!
I’m not sure it could’ve been any cuter!
There were sweet little fishies and fun little bobbers all over the place, and inside this bag? Fresh-baked mouthwatering chocolate chip cookies.
In our family, skimping on desserts is a no-no!
For gifts for my sweet sister-in-law and goodies for my new nephew (Ahh, I love how that sounds!), I found these adorable baskets at Tuesday Morning and this perfect burlap sash from Luna Kits on Etsy.
The weekend of the party, we added bobbers to the sash, and it was perfect for the Mama-to-Be to wear during our celebration. She was glowing!
I couldn’t help by grab baby boy all kinds of fishing-themed baby gifts:
- Curious George Stuffed Fisherman (I love how big this adorable George is!)
- Curious George Goes Fishing Board Book
- Just Me & My Dad Paperback Book (Thinking about my brother becoming a dad…cue the tears!)
- Fishing Bath Toys
- My First Tackle Box
- Melissa & Doug Fish Grasping Toy
- Pack My Diapers, I’m Going Fishing with Daddy Onesie (I knew my brother would love this!)
Then each of my boys wrapped up a box of our favorite baby wipes and decorated the top of their package with bows and a hand-made card.
They asked why they couldn’t come to the baby shower, and I said, “Well, guys, this is just a party for the girls.”
Their response? “Well then how come JACKSON gets to go?” Ha!
In addition to fun gifts for baby boy, I also wanted to do something special for his Mommy.
I found this sweet sign from MudPie and paired it with a photo album, and you guessed it, a Shutterfly gift card!
My sister-in-law loves pictures as much as I do, so this was the perfect gift for her as I know she is going to love ordering prints of our family’s adorable new addition.
I know we can all get caught up in party mode during a baby shower – after all, it is super exciting to celebrate mom and baby!
But don’t forget to take pictures just in case she wants to add them to a photo album.
Plus, who wouldn’t want to capture the sweet moments that are made at the baby shower!
Don’t forget about mama once the baby is here!
Check out these Survival Kits for New Moms for tons of ideas on what to do for mom once the baby comes!
Looking for more fun baby shower ideas?
Check out this Christmas-themed shower gift I did for one of my dearest friends: