Five Senses Letter-a-Week Activity Guide
What learning activities have I enjoyed with my own preschoolers? I’ve put them all together for you in an easy-to-follow resource I like to call my Five Senses Letter-a-Week Activity Guide.
This guide has been designed with children ages 2-5 in mind and has been put together in such a way that it can be enjoyed at whatever pace best suits your family.
It includes A-Z Letter Pages – each one complete with a variety of sensory experiences and STEM activities that will be easy to implement into every life, but there is no pressure to complete the wide variety of activities that are included in this guide. Simply choose what would work best for your child’s age and stage and then save some of the other ideas for next year…or maybe even the next year.
These are literally the “lesson plans” I have enjoyed with my own preschoolers – during the years when they were 2, 3, 4, and 5 years old, and I am thrilled to be able to offer them to others in the form of a .pdf download that can be read on any device or printed and bound, if you so choose.
You may choose to walk through the alphabet in order from A-Z or you might decide you want to enjoy the letter activities in a different order. You may be interested in five days a week of learning activities, or might feel that two or three days of learning activities each week is currently a better fit for your child. This guide has been designed in such way that you have the freedom to choose.
To help you stay organized, I have included two different options for lesson plan templates – both designed with a five-senses approach to learning in mind. You are invited to print as many fill-in pages as you need – grabbing your ideas for activities/experiences from the A-Z Letter Pages and customizing your plans to fit your child’s needs.
What better way to learn than by captivating the five senses? These sensory experiences will give your child the opportunity to HEAR – SEE – TOUCH – SMELL – and TASTE as they learn, and this resource will take your child from the basics and beyond – I can’t wait for you to get started.
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How about a free e-course to help you get started with homeschooling your preschooler?
What would you start out with a young 2 yr. old?
Hey Cathie! I’m so glad you’re here – Here is a link to our Two Year Old post: We hope you find it encouraging~