Preschool Television Shows that Teach

Preschool Television Shows that TEACH:

Sometimes I think we are a bit too hard on ourselves. Too much screen time for the kids and we beat ourselves up, and while I think this is something we need to keep in check, I also think there are some awesome preschool television shows out there that can serve as fantastic teaching tools in our homes. Why not take advantage of them? Shows our preschoolers can enjoy and actually learn from while watching? Shows our kids can get excited about and we can let it all happen without feeling any guilt? Bring it on!

Our Favorite Preschool Television Shows:

World World (PBS) – I wish I had thought of this show! It’s genius – the animals’ bodies are made up of the letters that spell what they are! This show is fantastic for introducing children to letters, sight words, rhyming words, compound words, and more!

Word World DVDs Available Here

Super Why (PBS) – Preschoolers as well as more advanced readers will enjoy this show. It is full and overflowing with excellent reading instruction and has been awesome for encouraging a passion for books (and strong reading comprehension skills) in my little ones.

Super Why DVDs Available Here

Peg Plus Cat  (PBS) – Warning! This show can feel really loud! I can.not.stand. the way the little girl on this show yells (Click here for a little intro to her voice. haha!), but with that being said, this show does a great job of introducing new math concepts in a creative way.

Peg Plus Cat DVDs Available Here

Blue’s Clues (Nick Jr.) – Yes, I realize it is no longer the 1990’s, but my kids have no idea that this show is from way back when. They go wild over it, and I like the way it teaches reasoning skills in such a fun way. This show has turned my boys in to inquisitive little detectives.

Handy Dandy Notebooks Available Here

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (Disney Jr.) – Speaking of reasoning skills, I think this show does a great job with this, too! The Hot Dog Dance is just an added bonus. lol!

Hot Dog Rockin’ Mickey Available Here

Daniel Tiger – First of all, let me say…the number one reason I am a big Daniel Tiger fan is because he is responsible for potty-training  my two oldest kiddos. I may be exaggerating a tad, but not really. “When you have to go potty – STOP – and go right away…” You know that one, too? Glad I’m in good company! 😉 In addition to D.T.’s potty-training powers, I appreciate the way respect, kindness, patience, empathy, self-discipline, and good behavior are all common themes.

Shop our Daniel Tiger Favorites Here

Daniel Tiger Favorites - Gift Ideas

Mr. Rogers – My kids absolutely love watching Mr. Rogers! We use Amazon Prime to watch episodes dating all the way back to season #1 which was in black and white. My kids excitedly refer to the black and white episodes as the new ones. hahaha! Mr. Rogers is such a GOOD teacher…and there’s just something about his voice that captivates my kids. This show has been perfect for us to watch after lunch/before rest time. It seems to calm my kids and help to make the transition to their bedrooms a smooth one. Nap time around here is made possible by Fred Rogers. #myhero

Mr. Rogers Magnetic Playset Available Here

Daniel Tiger Favorites - Gift Ideas

P.S. My kids also love Andy Griffith…LOVE! We kick it old-school around here…can you tell? 😉

What would you add to this list?

Do your preschoolers have any television shows that you feel GREAT about them watching?

Want a glimpse in to some of the other out-of-the-box ideas I have for teaching preschoolers? Check out this post! It includes our favorite educational YouTube playlists.


Four Year Old Homeschool Preschool

Three-Year Old
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  1. Oh, yes! We’re big fans of Daniel Tiger and Super Why. We also really like Signing Time. Are you familiar with Rachel, and Alex and Leah? It’s developed by a musician mom when her oldest daughter was born deaf. Great music and a great way to build vocabulary!

    1. says:

      We have borrowed a few of the Signing Time DVDs from the library! I need to grab more!

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