Groundhog Day Books for Kids

Groundhog Day – sure, it may all feel a little silly, but around here, we kind of like having something smack-dab in the middle of winter to enjoy together.

We like watching the whole scene in Punxsutawney – even if it’s a replay we’re watching later in the day because not everyone was awake just yet when the groundhog emerged.


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It takes just a few minutes to watch an event that’s been a long-standing tradition over the years, and there’s usually something about it that makes us all laugh.

In addition to watching the morning footage, we usually read some Groundhog Day books together.

Some years, we’ve read these books the night before – just before bedtime to build some anticipation for the morning. That’s fun, too!

Which Groundhog Day books have been our favorites?

Groundhog Day Books for Kids

My top pick is Groundhog Day by Gail Gibbons.

Her books are so informative – packing lots of great information into kid-friendly reads.

I always walk away from her books feeling like I’ve learned something new – even if I’ve previously read the book.

Isn’t it funny how that works?

Groundhog Day Books for Kids

Next up is this sweet read by Don Freeman – the author of Corduroy.

Gregory’s Shadow is a fictional read about Gregory and his shadow. My little girls were giggling at this one this year.

Groundhog Day Books for Kids - Gregory's Shadow by Don Freeman

Are you familiar with Brownie Groundhog?

This is a great time of year to read Brownie Groundhog and the February Fox…

Groundhog Day Books for Kids - Brownie Groundhog and the February Fox

…and Brownie Groundhog and the Wintry Surprise.

Groundhog Day Books for Kids - Brownie Groundhog and the Wintry Surprise

The illustrations in these books are so sweet, and the storylines will make your elementary kiddos laugh.

I first found these books at our local library and then purchased them used from Thrift Books.

I found this newest addition to our little collection of Groundhog Books at the consignment shop: Who Will See Their Shadows This Year?, and I think this is a cute little read for younger kids.

Groundhog Day Books for Kids - Who Will See Their Shadows This Year?

We spotted these next two titles at our library!

Groundhog’s Dilemma by Kristen Remenar:

Front Cover of Groundhog's Dilemma

Groundhog Weather School by Joan Holub:

Front Cover of Grounghog Weather School

You may find that your library has other sweet titles you want to check out for Groundhog Day, and if you don’t already own these, maybe check their catalog for these titles.

Groundhog Day Books for Kids

Don’t want to forget about these next year? Follow along with our Amazon storefront! These Groundhog Day books for kids are saved in the Winter section of our page there.

Amazon Storefront - Winter For Kids

Want a groundhog-themed book to carry you into the springtime months? How Groundhog’s Garden Grew is a really sweet read I found second-hand!

The front cover of the children's book How Groundhog's Garden Grew

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