Kid’s Paint Supplies: Our Favorites!

Kid’s Paint Supplies: Our Favorites!

Do you have a little artist on your hands? I know I do! My kids love when I bring out the art supplies – especially when it’s time to paint – and in this post I’m sharing my favorite Kid’s Paint Supplies and where you can find them for your little ones!

Contain the Splatter

I am all for creative messes, but I am also a big fan of “containing the creativity” if you know what I’m saying! This Melissa & Doug Drop Cloth is perfect for catching any spills or smears you might not want all over the place. You could also use an old tablecloth, garbage bags, newspaper, or brown craft paper. Lowe’s sells a gigantic roll of brown paper that has come in handy for us many times – I’ve even used it for holiday wrapping paper! ha!

When it comes to containing the mess, these Melissa & Doug Paint Cups are a must-have! I have found them to be SO helpful especially when it comes to limiting paint spills…and then storing the paint to use for next time.

Don’t forget the paint!

Crayola makes a washable kid’s paint, and I know the word washable is music to everyone’s ears – especially to the one in charge of the kiddos’ laundry. Around here, that’s me!

Want to stick with watercolors? Melissa & Doug Jumbo Watercolors are our favs! When it comes time to fill Christmas stockings or Easter baskets or Birthday Gift Bags, I like to include a variety of different items – yummy candy (My kids love SweeTarts.), something that can be worn (like sunglasses…or a hairbow), something silly (like a Slinky), something creative – you get the idea! These super cute watercolor sets have been the perfect something creative item to add.

The Best Brushes in Town

Especially for little hands, these Melissa & Doug Jumbo Paint Brushes are perfect for grasping, and when I’ve given them a try (Yes, I love to paint with my kiddos!), I have found these brushes to be easy to hold and comfortable to use.

Want to veer away from the the traditional just a bit? Try these Funky Texture Brushes by Alex. These little gems are so much fun! On days when I’m feeling a little more adventurous, we will head outside with newspaper, paint, and THESE, and go to town. Bath time typically follows soon after – I’m sure you can imagine this scene!

Click Here to Learn How to Make Your Own Texture Paintbrushes

Paint Supplies for Kids

**I have also recently found some fantastic textured paintbrushes at Wal-Mart – in their craft section!**

Paint with Water

If painting with water sounds like a good idea to you, these On-the-Go Water Wow Books by Melissa & Doug are fantastic! These have even been great for traveling in the car as there’s not enough water involved to cause too many issues in the backseat. These Paint with Water Books are great for rainy days indoors, and I’ve also taken them on vacation to use when my kids need a little down time in the afternoons. Easy to pack. Very little mess. It’s a win-win!

Speaking of a win: One day, I grabbed a little cup of a water and two small paintbrushes, and we made our way out to the driveway.

Painting with Water in the Driveway

If I told you how long my little ones sat and painted the concrete with water, you might not believe it. They were fascinated! Since then, we have continued to do this – sometimes even practicing writing letters, words, and numbers as we go. They love it, and I love how simple it is!


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Painting Activities for Kids

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One Comment

  1. Painting with water was one of my favorite preschool activities for when we all needed to get outside for a change of pace and I needed something that didn’t have a lot of mess with it. I had forgotten about that activity. Nathan and I might do that later this afternoon! Oh, and I second the Crayola washable paints. Amazing!

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