Name Painting Activity
When I spotted this Name Painting Activity idea on Facebook, I knew at first glance it would be the perfect weekend project for my crew!
The best part? I already had everything I needed on hand!
I had the canvases (Thanks to a fantastic yard sale I went to a couple of years ago!), the painter’s tape, and the paint!
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One Saturday afternoon (while the boys were watching a movie and the girls were taking a nap), I used painter’s tape to spell out each of their names on a canvas.
I just kind of eyeballed this – tearing by hand – and hoping for the best.
That evening, they started painting…
…each kiddo with their own idea of how they wanted to do this.
When they finished painting, we let the canvases dry for a bit, and then we came back to them later to remove the tape!
All four kids loved this part most!
It was fun for them to see their names magically appear!
While the kids were peeling off their tape, I asked Alexia to play the song, “He Knows My Name”.
While it played, I reminded them of Jeremiah 1:5. They know this verse – we talk about it often.
Before I formed you in your mother’s womb, I knew you. Before you were born, I set you apart.
Also, it just so happened that we decided to do this project the same weekend our census form arrived in the mail.
Notice the name theme that seemed to be coming together for us?
So we hopped on-line and worked together to complete the information for that – A learning experience all the way around!
Thank you for this, I just love it and cannot wait to try it with my littles!
I hope you have so much fun with this, Ashley! Paint always seems to be a hit around here – HA!