Fall Leaf Hunt Activity: Gather & Sort
While recently browsing Pinterest, I spotted this free leaf hunt printable from Edventures with Kids, and I added it to my Fall Activities Pinterest Board!
I love finding simple seasonal activities that are easy to throw in with our family’s typical routine. This Leaf Hunt was a winner – and absolutely perfect for this time of year!

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I began by printing, cutting, and laminating the red, orange, yellow, and green leaf cards!
*You wouldn’t have to laminate them, but I wanted to protect them a bit, so we could use them again next year!*
Once the cards were ready to go, I clipped them to individual brown paper sacks, and we ventured out to our back yard where lots of leaves could be found!
It was a tad windy, so I let my little ones gather a few rocks to use as weights in the bottom of the paper bags.
I turned my kiddos loose searching for leaves of all different colors! They loved running around…picking up leaves…bringing them to me…and helping me decide in which bag their leaf should go!
Our yard was full of yellow and red leaves, but we weren’t able to find too many green and orange leaves, so after gathering from our back yard, we decided to head out on a family walk to see if we could find any green or orange leaves scattered throughout the neighborhood!
It was a great opportunity to chat about different kinds of trees, etc.
Post Update: I have created NEW Leaf Hunt cards just for you, and you can access them by signing up for access to our resource library.
Reading We’re Going on a Leaf Hunt is a fun way to kick off this activity!
Click Here for more of our favorite fall reads!
Interested in more information about homeschooling your preschooler? I offer the following posts:
- Two-Year-Old Homeschool Preschool
- Three-Year-Old Homeschool Pre-school
- Four-Year-Old Homeschool Pre-school
as well as a free Homeschool Preschool e-course designed to encourage you as you get started!
So glad to see you enjoyed the cards! Laminating them is a wonderful idea too.
They have been great! I’m looking forward to using them again next year!