Simultaneously Teach Time, Money, & Math Facts

Do you have a child who is learning to tell time? Or learning to count money? Or learning math facts? Why not simultaneously teach all of these things? Yes, you heard me correctly! You can simultaneously teach time, money, and math facts, and the results will blow your mind! Why? Because this approach will not just teach your child a variety of basic math skills, but it will engage them in the HOWs and WHYs of mathematics!

We want math to really make sense to our children – and not only for test-taking purposes, but in order for them to gain a clear understanding of how to interact with numbers in their everyday life. What a gift to provide them with this type of connection to the world around them. Let’s make it happen!


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As you teach your preschooler or kindergartner to count money and tell time, you can do so in tandem – while also chatting about addition and introducing examples of multiplication at work. Expecting a preschooler or kindergartner to know their multiplication facts? No, no, no, that’s not at all what I mean. I’m talking about simply connecting the dots as you go – providing your kids with visuals of a concept they will interact with more in the future. This way, when it comes time for them to focus more on their multiplication facts, they already have foundation of the WHYs and HOWs of how it works!

How to Simultaneously Teach These Skills

Hands-On Activity Ideas:

  • Count by 1s while placing 60 pennies around the edge of a clock. [60 minutes in 1 hour = 60 pennies] The giant magnetic clock pictured in this post is…well, plenty large enough for an activity like this! Next, show how five pennies are equal to the value of one nickel – providing a visual of 5 individual minutes on the clock making up a five minute interval on the clock. 1 + 1 + 1 + 1+ 1 = 5 or 1 x 5 = 5 / 5 x 1 = 5
  • Count by 5s while placing nickels around the edge of a clock. 5, 10, 15, 20…until you’ve counted 60 minutes in an hour. 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 60 or 5 x 12 = 60 / 12 x 5 = 60 Next, show how five nickels nickels are equal to the value of one quarter – providing a visual of 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 25 or 5 x 5 = 25. / 5 x 5 = 25
  • Count by 5s by placing nickels on the #5 Count-By Poster.
  • Count by 10s while placing dimes around the edge of a clock – marking ten minute intervals on the clock. 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 = 60 or 6 x 10 = 60 / 10 x 6 = 60
  • Count by 10s by placing dimes on the #10 Count-By Poster.

Once again, when it comes to the addition and multiplication, you are not expecting them to grasp all of the actual equations I’ve explained above – You are simply walking them through visualizing such concepts by using a clock and coins to interact with numbers in as many ways as you feel they are ready. Keep it fun! Take them as far as they’re able to go, and if you sense you’re losing them, stop – staying focused where you see them most engaged. If that means they want to sit and build of tower out of nickels, no problem. Let them build a tower! Let them play with nickels. Sadly, our current generation has very little interaction with actual coins (and analog clocks, for that matter), so bring on the towers…and while they build, you can talk about time and coins and sing this song:

You sing…they build…and I promise you will both have this song memorized in no time.

WARNING: You may even find yourself singing this song in the shower. I speak from experience.

While these activities can make for a fun mini-lesson or serve as great hands-on interaction with a specific math lesson, this is also the perfect type of engagement to incorporate in to your Morning Time!

I have recently update my Morning Time Printable, and you are welcome to print your own – Yes, for FREE!

Morning Time by This Little Home of Mine

I’m making it available as a .doc file, so you can edit it to fit YOUR NEEDS. It looks great printed on colored card stock paper and laminated to use over and over again!

Want to read more about our Morning Routine? Check it out! 

Resources Pictured in this Post:

Interactive Clocks: Learning Resources

Student Clock Available Here – This clock is perfect for little hands! As the minute hand moves, the hour hand moves toward the next hour. I love when play clocks provide that visual! It’s so important, and my kids love watching those little gears move in there! ha!

Giant Magnetic Clock w/ Magnetic Hands Available Here – We have used this large clock on giant baking sheet, on a magnetic door we have, as well as on the DIY Magnet Board we made for our playroom.

Count-By Posters: Print Here from The Stem Laboratory – These are awesome for early childhood learning as well as for older elementary students who are more focused on multiplication facts/skills!

#s 2, 4, 5, and 6 Available Here

#s 7, 8, 9, and 10 Available Here

Flashcards & Foam Dice : Target, Dollar Tree, and Yard Sales!

P.S. Abeka moms, see that “clock” flashcard? It was the perfect way to discuss the “cl in clock” and “ck in duck” special sounds! Who says you can’t incorporate phonics in to your math discussions?!

Homeschooling Resources Just for You

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